1. Double-click the installation file2. Installation begins3. Complete the installation4. Verify the installation5. Done
Installation of IC Mechanical

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1. Double-click the installation file

Double-click the installation file ICMechanical_XX.XX.XX_X64_SWE.exe located in the \Downloaded Files folder.

Tick the license agreement, then press Install.

On some computers, this information may appear after you double-click the installation file. Then click More information.

Then click Run anyway.

2. Installation begins

Installation has now begun. Wait until the installation process is complete.

3. Complete the installation

The installation is now complete. Now click Finish.

4. Verify the installation

Start IRONCAD and look at the list of open directories to check that you can see the different ICM directories and their contents. The More Catalogs button shows the currently open catalogs.

Can't see any ICM catalogues?

Go to the Common tab, click on the Catalog Sets button. Select the IC Mech Catalogs option and click on the Open button - this will directly open up all catalogs belonging to IC Mechanical.

If you choose to open the ICM Add-on directory instead, all functions are collected in one directory, but grouped in different blue folders(Groups):

5. Clear

The installation of IC Mechanical is now complete. In demo mode you can now try the extension for 30 days.

If you have an active support contract, you may need to activate your license. However, many of the basic features do not require a license, such as fasteners and other standard components (screws, nuts, threaded holes and beams, etc.).

Click here to go to IC license activation Mechanical.