IRONCAD now supports KeyShot 8!




IRONCAD now supports KeyShot 8!

Among the improvements are (English)

IRONCAD now supports KeyShot 8! IronCAD LLC now officially announces that the latest version of IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite fully supports the latest KeyShot 8 version with new advanced technology and functionality.

With IRONCAD 2019 now available, there are also new opportunities for IRONCAD users to create stunning visualizations of products designed and created in IRONCAD! Using the seamlessly integrated KeyShot 8 add-on feature, users can quickly and easily create renderings for illustrations, marketing materials and sales communications. KeyShot 8 includes a host of new features and updates. One example is "Cut Away" which is a new sectioning tool that eliminates the need to prepare sectioning in the CAD environment.

Adjust appearances in real-time within KeyShot

KeyShot 8 includes features and updates specific to five (5) areas - materials and volume, lighting and optics, advanced geometry, image and output, and collaboration. Within these five areas, KeyShot 8 has five (5) primary features along with other updates that hold to the focus on maintaining a workflow within KeyShot. Image styles allow users to add and adjust appearances in real-time within KeyShot. Cutaway is a new simplified approach to creating cutaway views. Scattering Medium creates new options for scene and material appearance. New geometry shaders add displacement, bubble, and flake capabilities. And the KeyShot Viewer with KeyShot Configurator and glTF/GLB output offer new collaboration capabilities.

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