SP1 for IRONCAD 2024 PU1

SP1 for IRONCAD 2024 PU1
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


min reading time
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


5 min read

The minor update Service Pack 1 for Product Update 1 ("SP1 for PU1" or "2024.01.01.0") for the product suite IronCAD DCS 2024 has now been released and contains about thirty quality improvements. Updates are always included for your installed version of IronCAD DCS.

NOTE! This update also fixes known issues related to "Windows 11 explorer and interface" and "license issues" that came with PU1 for v2024.

Link to more information on the content of SP1 for IronCAD DCS 2024 PU1.

A) If you HAVE installed PU1 for version 2024:

If you have installed Product Update 1 (2024.01.00.0, released on April 29) for version 2024, download the SP1 installation file from here:


Download the file, close IRONCAD and run the installation. There are no options to choose from.

B) If you have NOT installed PU1 for version 2024:

If you have installed version 2024 (2024.00.00.0, released on Dec 20, 2023) and even if you have subsequently installed 2024 SP1 (2024.00.01.0, released on Feb 14) but have not installed 2024 PU1 (2024.01.00.0, released on April 25), you will first download the PU1 installation file here:


Installation instructions for installing the update:


NOTE! Next, install SP1 for 2024 PU1 according to the instructions under point A) above.

C) Complete installation of v2024 incl ALL updates (2024.01.01.0):

If you haven't installed any version of 2024 before, you can download our "complete" installation file here:


This installation file also contains the latest version of extensions like IC Mechanical etc.
