Windows Debugger

Windows Debugger
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


min reading time
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


5 min read

In rare cases, IronCAD crashes may occur due to a malfunctioning AntiVirus or some hardware/hardware component on that particular computer. It may also be a file or function that is crashing that causes IRONCAD to crash.

An error message that often appears in such cases is a dialog box that looks something like this:

This troubleshooting tool helps IronCAD's developer team to determine what is causing the problems, so they can then help fix them. These instructions show how to install the debugging tools.

Download and install this software:

Uncheck everything except "Debugging Tools for Windows".

Generate log files:

1 - Start WinDebugger (Start>Programs>Windows Kits>Debugging Tools for Windows (X64), WinDbg (x64)

2 - In WinDbg, go to File, "Open Executable"

3 - Browse to ironcad.exe (C:\Program Files\IronCAD\IRONCAD\**VERSION**\bin)

4 - Click No to the question "Save information for workspace"? (if it appears)

5 - Go to View, Call Stack

6 - Press the F5 key to start. Note that you usually need to press F5 several times to get IRONCAD to start, at the bottom of the WinDebugger Command box it should say "Debuggee is running".

7 - Allow IronCAD to start as usual

When the crash appears:

1 - Press the Command window

2 - Go to Edit, "Write Windows Text to File..."

3 - Press the Calls window

4 - Go to Edit, "Write Windows Text to File..."

Then send these log files to us at support:
