IronCAD DCS 2025 is now launched




IronCAD DCS 2025 is now launched

Many new smart solutions to everyday challenges make you more productive!

The IronCAD DCS 2025 suite (which includes IRONCAD ) has now been launched!


IronCAD LLC of Atlanta officially launched version 2025 of its IronCAD DCS* product suite, which includes the complete and easy-to-use 3D CAD system IRONCAD , on Monday, December 16.

*IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite consists of the standalone programs
IRONCAD - complete 3D CAD system

INOVATE - 3D modeling only

‍IC DRAFT - complete 2D CAD system with some 3D features

‍IC COMPOSE - free 3D and 2D Viewer.

Also the add-on IronCAD Mechanical comes with version 2025 which updates a number of features.

NOTE! As usual, we ask you as a user to wait to download and install this first US release, as we are developing a standardized version with extended catalogs, Swedish ISO templates for the 2D drawing, adjusted basic settings and much more! We expect this to be ready for delivery in February 2025 (brought forward from January because we will include Service Pack 1).

We will notify our users by email when it is ready.

Read the news in English on the IronCAD website.

Among the news:

Collect your most used catalog items into a new favorite catalog that appears on screen at the touch of a button just when you need it. It's also easier to copy and paste items between catalogs using standard keyboard shortcuts. New auto-save and backup features and the ability to close all open files in one command give you more control over your everyday work. For 3D export to other CAD systems, a new window collects the settings for all file formats.

With the new favorites catalog , your favorite shapes and tools are just a click away!

The round Sizebox handles have a new symbol if a max/min value is applied and it is possible to change multiple models symmetrically at the same time by right-drag in Sizebox handles. More possibilities for more advanced lofting, surfaces with G2 curvature control and improved debugging for Shell features make it easier to create and manage more advanced shapes.

Sizebox handles with MaxMin limits are clarified with a plus-minus symbol.

For more advanced parts and assemblies, new tools for Assembly Feature and Assembly Mirror with associativity to existing models. For parameterized models via MS Excel, there will be more formatting possibilities. Bend is a brand new feature that makes it easy to bend or twist shapes.

Bend and twist shapes easily with Bend!

Mechanism mode can ignore assembly-structure to better solve more complex tree structures, part-level keyboard shortcuts also work with mechanism mode and with cam-constraints you can now also choose to follow surfaces, in addition to edges with soft transitions. Several new features have been implemented for Structured Part, including the ability to group features in folders under the part.

With folders under a Structured Part you can easily collect different features in groups.

With Sketchen, it has become easier to utilize edge lines from other 3D models, e.g. by being able to project several of these at once via box marking or applying Smart Dimensions to them. A new selection filter for radii(Fillet) makes it easier and faster to select them.

If necessary, you can now also add (locked) dimensions directly to 3D models outside the sketch.

It is now also possible to quickly and easily extract a copy of the sketch from an existing Shape Feature (Extrude, Spin, Sweep and Loft) using the Extract Sketch option, creating a new 2D Shape as a standalone object.

Extract a copy of the sketch from a feature, as a new part via Extract Sketch.

In the 2D drawing, it is now possible to automatically display the name and scale of part enlargements and to better control how to adjust the contour lines of the views during an update. The bulk export command gives more control over the position and size of views on the paper and the placement of automatic dimensioning. Drawing frame and drawing header have been separated to make it easier to replace one or the other. Punched tables have better text formatting settings, and BOMs can better handle new rows added manually.

Name and scale can now be displayed automatically for Section and Detail Views.

With the new Quick Bend you can mark several edges on a Sheet Metal-part (bent sheet) which immediately get each Bend-feature applied to these edges. When converting a solid to a Sheet Metal sheet, all Part Properties can be read over to the new sheet. The Sketched Bend command allows you to easily save and quickly reuse frequently used settings, handles are shown on all contour lines around the sheet and linear patterns of lines can be used for bending. Curved Stock can now use chain lines without any radii between the lines as the bend radius is set as a property on the model and the start of the lines does not have to be exactly in the coordinate zero as before.

Handles on all sides make it easier to work with Sketched Bend.

A trial version of IronCAD's GPT4-based AI Chatbot will be launched with version 2025. It will allow you to ask questions and get answers in text, image and with links to useful videos.

Remember to be polite even with an AI Chatbot!

We look forward to delivering this sharpened version to our users in January!


We also take this opportunity to inform you about an upcoming webinar - News in IRONCAD 2025

Our popular webinars will continue in 2025, and we plan to hold one to review what's new in the current 2025 version.

We will email information to all customers when we have set a date. It will be in connection with the completion of our customized installation, tentatively in early February.

So watch your emails and our website for a link to the invitation in the near future!

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