Hotfix for IRONCAD 2023 PU1 SP2

Hotfix for IRONCAD 2023 PU1 SP2
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


min reading time
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


5 min read

On the same day that IronCAD's R&D department found the reason behind a memory leak that in some cases severely affects Windows 11 Explorer and slows down the system, a hotfix was released that solves this problem.


Unzip the ZIP file into this folder and replace all files:

C:\Program Files\IronCAD\2023\bin

Same solution for IRONCAD version 2024

This hotfix is also included in Service Pack 1 for Product Update 1 ("SP1 for PU1" or "2024.01.01.0") for the product suite IronCAD DCS 2024 which was released a few days later and about which you can find more information in this blog post.
