Shortcuts in CAXA

Shortcuts in CAXA
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


5 min read
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


5 min read

For those who use CAXA/DRAFT in IRONCAD , here is a useful table of keyboard shortcuts, as well as commands that you can type in the command prompt to speed up your work.

Here you can download the table of keyboard shortcuts in PDF format
(252 kb)

For those of you who are not familiar with CAXA/DRAFT in IRONCAD , it can be explained as an alternative way to create 2D drawings in IRONCAD, compared to ICD which is the classic drawing environment in IRONCAD. DRAFT is very good at managing own and customers' existing DWG/DXF files and creating new files that can be saved in DWG/DXF format.
