Emil Rindell
Jonas Bryntesson
Henrik Andersson
Emil Rindell
Jonas Bryntesson
Henrik Andersson
IRONCAD is in many ways an incredibly versatile 3D CAD system. To create and modify a part in the 3D scene, there are essentially three "parallel" methods that can be used and even combined, more methods than in most other 3D CAD systems.
In a previous post we mentioned that IRONCAD has many different "parallel" types of parts (3D elements). To produce any of these different types, you can use different methods that we will explain in more detail in this post.
1) Flexible feature - and history-based modeling
Unique to IRONCAD - the easiest and fastest way to work with 3D CAD!
2) Direct Editing
A basic method based on a principle also known as Direct Face Modeling, where you can drag and edit faces directly to change the shape of the geometries. It is very popular and is used by various 3D CAM systems or "pure" 3D CAD direct editors. With IRONCAD two different variants are also used;
2a) Innovative Part - Direct Face Modeling
2b) Structured Part - Direct Face Modeling
2b) Structured Part - Direct Face Modeling
3) Parametric feature - and history-based modeling
IRONCAD 's own version of the old classic methodology with strict/locked and predictable tree structure in the part that for most people is a kind of "industry standard for 3D CAD", even though the 3D CAD systems that primarily use this methodology usually spend a large part of the time in the 2D sketch rather than "directly" on the 3D model.
Below we look in more detail at the main differences between the methods. We start with...
Unique to IRONCAD - the easiest and fastest way to work with 3D CAD!
Ideal for quick concepts or large layouts but also ideal for milled, turned, carved wood or 3D printed parts that are quickly built up and used for traditional machine construction or interior design. Simple plastic models and molds can also be produced quickly and easily.
This highly flexible method is mainly used to create solid parts like Innovative Part or surface models through Surface Part, but parts of this flexible technique are also used for other types of parts like Structured Part or Sheet Metal Part.
Principles and tools
-> Create new geometries(Shape features such as Extrude/Spin/Sweep/Loft) by dragging partially finished shapes from catalogs.
-> Single-Body principle with a "complete and compact" structure tree that is easy to understand, with editable features under the part.
-> Edit the shape of features through smooth handles that modify sketch lines and/or surfaces, but maintain all features individually in the right order, and use existing geometry within or outside the same part to help "snap" to.
-> Edit the lines in the Sketch only when clearly needed, otherwise use the handles.
-> Move, copy and link features with the TriBall tool where you can use existing geometry within or outside the same part to help you "snap" to.
-> Remove "parent" feature without getting a rebuild error! This is because all "linked features" are equivalent in the tree structure, regardless of order.
-> Reuse fully or partially completed individual or grouped features (as well as parts and assemblies) in catalogs.
-> Apply constraints in the sketch or between models only when clearly needed, e.g. for simple or slightly complex parametric family models and variant management.
Flexible, because you decide
One of the main reasons why this method is called "flexible" is because it is the user's choice;
-> Should I or should I not put constraints in the sketch? Usually not, the handles make it easier and faster to change!
-> Should I or should I not put constraints between features? Usually not, the combination of TriBall and unlocked/locked Smart Dimensions gives you the best control!
-> Should I or should I not put constraints between parts? Usually not, the combination of TriBall and unlocked/locked Smart Dimensions gives you the best control!
See how it works
This video shows how to quickly throw together a simple schematic model using the drag-and-drop technique. Each feature that is added is a sketch-based extrusion, but instead of modifying it in the "classic way" via the sketch's grid, the smart handles are used to change the lines of the sketch and you can "snap" to existing geometry or write the dimension that suits the moment. The video has no sound as this article can be read in several languages.
In addition to features, you can also drag parts and assemblies from catalogs, which makes it easy to work with layouts or quick concepts to sell a particular customer-unique solution in the shortest possible time. There is time to work out the details after the concept itself is ready and approved!
Catalogs can also contain metadata such as color, material or other reusable properties that can be quickly applied to parts and assemblies, as well as small or large "snippets"/scripts/extensions linked to plugins created via the open IC API.
This is how easy it is to assemble a robot in the early stages of a new project, using a 2D drawing as a basis.
See more about smart automation solutions in IRONCAD here.
A basic method based on a principle also known as Direct Face Modeling, where you draw directly on surfaces to change the shape of the geometries. It is very popular and used by various 3D CAM systems or "pure" 3D CAD direct editors.
With IRONCAD this method can be performed in two different ways, depending on the type of part being modified. Either by not necessarily creating new features for each step performed (Innovative Part) or by always creating new features based on each step performed (Structured Part). This is also described in our previous post on different types of parts in IRONCAD.
This method allows you to modify imported 3D models directly, without "creating history" within the parts, using the clever technology developed by HP engineers in the late 80's and then further developed into what is now an important part of IRONCAD and used with Innovative Part solids or Surface Part models.
Principles and tools
-> An imported geometry is displayed as a BRep*-feature directly below the part and can be either a solid or surface.
*BRep is an abbreviation of Boundary Representation, which means "a topological representation of boundaries".
-> Edit the shape of features through smooth handles that directly modify the selected geometry and its connecting surfaces. The principle is very simple; extend or rotate a surface and the geometry is updated as long as you don't need to add new surfaces. However, surfaces can be automatically removed in order to implement a particular change. Use existing geometry to help snap to, within or outside the same part.
-> Move, rotate and/or copy selected surfaces with the TriBall tool where you can use existing geometry to help you snap to, within or outside the same part.
-> Remove surfaces/pockets/lines/chamfers with a simple right click.
-> Convert selected areas into stand-alone features with a simple right-click, to modify or hide it later if necessary.
See how it works
This video shows how DFM technology can be used to modify imported geometry from another CAD system in a very simple way, no matter which CAD system (as long as it is based on solid geometry / BRep) the result is the same in IRONCAD. The video has no sound as this article can be read in several languages.
The same kind of Direct Face Modeling method applied to a Structured Part gives some differences. Here each element is saved as a kind of "features" in the tree.
Principles and tools
-> An imported geometry is displayed as a BRep-feature directly below the part.
-> Right-click on a surface to quickly choose between Move, Match or Delete or first launch the corresponding tool and then select the surface(s).
-> Move, rotate and/or copy selected surfaces with the TriBall tool and use existing geometry as an aid where each step creates a new Move Facefeature in the tree.
-> Match a face to another face creating a new Match Facefeature in the tree.
-> Delete selected faces/pockets/radii/chamfers that each time create a new Delete Facefeature in the tree.
See how it works
The video shows how this methodology can be applied to a Structured Part. For a small number of changes, it can sometimes be an advantage that these DFM events are saved within the part, but it can also have negative consequences as certain types of changes can contradict each other and prevent a certain change from being made at all. The video has no sound as this article can be read in several languages.
We list it here even though it is currently not possible to use the Direct Face Modeling methodology on a Sheet Metal Part. There are plans to implement the method to "indirectly" modify the sketch for features, by using TriBall to move one or more surfaces that update the shape and/or position of the lines in sketches.
IRONCAD's own version of the old classic methodology with strict/locked and predictable tree structure in the part that for most people is a kind of "industry standard for 3D CAD", even though the 3D CAD systems that primarily use this methodology usually spend a lot of time in the 2D sketch rather than "directly" on the 3D model.
The method is used in IRONCAD only through Structured Part which is a type of part that the vast majority of people using IRONCAD rarely or never come across or even need to learn how to use.
There is an interesting Thread On IronCAD's user forum where users post examples of Structured Parts.
Principles and tools
-> Preferably use line-based sketches(Sketch) with or without "fully defined"constraints.
-> Multi-Body principle where groups of features are managed as individual bodies in a part. You can partly compare it to an "assembly of features".
-> Suitable for certain types of parametric table-driven family models and variant management as well as more complex casting or plastic models.
-> Use the technique of fully associative features to build complex geometries through a kind of "programmed" model.
-> Create surface models with associative sketches, 3D curves andsurface generating features.
-> Design Intent is an important foundation stone for future changes in predictable ways. But it can also counteract the possibility of making unforeseen changes. NOTE! With this approach, it is natural that sometimes you have to go back or simply start from scratch when you need to make a change that is not planned in advance.
-> Even here, however, IRONCAD's patented drag-and-drop technology from catalogs can be used, as well as the various types of handles for modifying sketches/features, making Structured Part in IRONCAD in many ways a more modern and flexible version of this old and rigid methodology.
See how it works
This video shows what the tree structure looks like in a very simple Structured Part and how its Rollback State function works. The video has no audio as this article can be read in several languages.
All these parts are managed together simultaneously in the the 3D scene which also provides several unique benefits;
-> Always work in Assembly mode - true Top-Down! Full control all the way from the topmost top-down assembly down to the smallest feature.
-> Group parts into "folders". Add and remove them from the folder whenever the need arises. A "folder" is thus an Assembly. So simple!
-> Every object has an Anchor Point that controls its XYZ position in 3D space. Obvious and easy to understand.
-> The TriBall tool positions objects in 3D space. Convenient and gives full control!
-> Measurement through Smart Dimensions can also position objects in 3D space. Choose when you want to see dimensions between parts.
-> The history tree can never "collapse", because there are no constraints/references that can stop working when you make unforeseen changes.
-> Use Constraints only when necessary, to lock objects in relation to others and then use kinematics/mechanisms.
There's more to tell about the benefits of the 3D scene and IRONCAD's unique assembly management, but to delve deeper on that, a separate post is needed.
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