Revision history of software installation

Revision history of software installation
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


5 min read
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


5 min read

It may not always be easy to keep track of all the editions of the IRONCAD and which number to look for and the order in which an update should be installed. To make it easier for your users, we have now produced a "living" table with explanations of what names and numbers mean and a list of revision history for IronCAD DCS and all its updates. The list can now be found both from the Download Center under each version of IronCAD DCS...

...and directly below Support-page:

Here is a direct link to the audit history:
