Webinar: IRONCAD is incredibly versatile

Webinar: IRONCAD is incredibly versatile
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


min reading time
Emil Rindell

Emil Rindell

Jonas Bryntesson

Jonas Bryntesson

Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson


5 min read

You can watch our previous webinar from Thursday, October 28, 2024, where we go through the strengths of different ways of working in IRONCAD.

IRONCAD is an incredibly versatile 3D CAD system with several different ways to create 3D models.

You may already know that there are many different types of 3D models and working methods with their different advantages and disadvantages in IRONCAD? But which method or type of part should you really use and is there one that is less suitable sometimes? Most people who use IRONCAD usually start a new part by dragging out a block in the 3D scene and that goes a long way!

But if you are going to bend and unfold a metal platet, then you should use the Sheet Metal tools, while an imported geometry is best modified with so-called Direct Face modeling. Both with very flexible functions!

Turned and milled parts are produced unbeatably fast with the unique and flexible way of working for Innovative Part which can be found in IRONCAD. Also, do not forget concept models that show the not yet completed solution, but which over time are refined to exactly what it should look like. Here you want to avoid spending unnecessary time on sketches, locked rules, etc. that steal valuable time from a finished quotation basis to get an order! Flexibility is a requirement here.

But even completely locked parametric models with complicated rules can sometimes be the right way to go when you can safely predict all future changes that affect a part. Usually it is something you can spend time on at a later stage when the order is in place. Perhaps some models should be table controlled instead of the faster and freer reins in the form of handles that are usually used. Or maybe these should be combined, also unique to IRONCAD!

The presentation will be made by Jonas Bryntesson who works with IRONCAD training and technical support.

Here are some related pages with more information on different areas that we cover on our support blog.

The three different approaches are covered with various videos on our support blog.

All 9 different 3D elements available in IRONCAD are described in detail, also here with various videos and pictures, on our support blog.

If you are interested in learning more about Structured Part, we have developed a training material with 12 exercises on our support blog.

We also have material on working with layout and robots with mechanisms on our YouTube channel.
